'A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.' Robert Orben

Congratulations graduates! My son Danny graduated from 8th grade on Friday. He respectfully asked that his dad and I not attend the ceremony because he was giving a speech and didn't want us to embarrass him. What?? Moi??? So, Danny ends up getting 2 awards during the ceremony and we weren't there to see it. Grrrrr. All because I may have embarrassed him with my enthusiasm. Hmpff. Wanna talk about embarrassing your kids? Read this next story:



A school year full of embarrassment has finally come to an end for one Utah teen. Dale Price would wave goodbye to his son at the bus stop every morning while wearing a costume. Dale's son, Rain, says he was in "shock" the first day of class, but adds that many of the other kids enjoyed his dad's outfits. Dale says that his unique outfits were a fun way of expressing his love for his child, adding, quote, "I hope this lives with him for the rest of his life." Oh I'm sure it will. I'm sure it will. To see all of Dale's costumes, visit their family blog here.


Sports. It is a place where people escape their everyday lives to cheer on their team of choice. There are some things in sports that all fans just laugh about. There are some they downright hate. Whether it be some rule, the name of a team or poor choices of athletes, let's take a look some of these that just make fans scratch their heads. From The Fans: 8 Dumbest Things In Sports. For instance: In 2011the Big Ten will have 12 teams, and the Big 12 will have 10 teams. Come on guys, really?


Don't get too stressed out over your favorite team...it could cause a stroke! Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a stroke. Every 14th stroke happens to someone not yet 45-and many of them never know what hit them until it's too late. Long-term health factors may be to blame, but brain explosions in young people could also have more immediate signs. Check here for the 4 Triggers of Strokes in Young Men. Their biggest piece of advice? Calm down before you clot!


Speaking of dying young, how long do you expect to live? The Longevity Game can tell you by giving you a peek into your future. Some of the factors tracked in the game are: weight/body mass index, drinking, smoking, how you handle stress, and driving record. Looks like I'm going to hit 74. Suh-weet!! And that's even being honest with the how much do you drink question! Tee-hee!!




Have a great Monday my friends!



