Do thin people know about delicious food?

Finally Friday my little friends! Woo-hoo! Plans for the weekend? Whatever you do, be sure and take 100.1 along with you. We make the BEST party companions!!




In the market for a celebrity home? Take a look at this gorgeous abode. It's for sale right now in Connecticut for a cool 3.8 million. AND it's owned by a celeb! Find out who's got the 4-sale sign in their front yard on today's Dublin Dish!


From the Bleacher Report: A wise man once said that pay back's a bitch. It was probably Gandhi, but don't take my word for it. All I know is, there's no better feeling than sticking it to someone who stuck it to you. Revenge is a common occurrence in sports, and it can often lead to some memorable rivalries, and in some instances, just memorable games. Or a memorable punch. From the Lakers vs. Celtics to the Yankees and the Red Sox, here are The Top 20 Revenge Moments in Sports, either dished out by a player or team.


Ever had that moment when you silently plot the demise of our boss, manager or supervisor. When the movie Horrible Bosses premieres Friday, Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day's characters will actually try to put such a plan in motion on Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell and Jennifer Aniston. And since I don't condone the murder of one's superiors-it's too easy to get caught-here are 6 Expert Tips For Dealing With a Horrible Boss. =


Do you keep track of how many friends you have on Facebook? Ever notice when someone unfriends you? Have YOU ever unfriended anyone? If so, it was probably for one of these Facebook faux pas. Here are 5 Annoying Status Updates That Will Get You Unfriended In A Flash.

Hey guys, if you've decided to take on the challenge of dating women instead of simply hanging out with them, there's both good news and bad news. The bad news is that you're going to have to overcome your nervousness and fear of rejection. But the good news is that taking women out on dates doesn't have to be expensive. It simply takes a little more thought. Here are 10 Cheap Date Ideas She'll Actually Love. And although the list is aimed at single guys, you married dudes could learn a thing or two as well.



Have a great weekend peeps!



