Oh hey, did you have fun at the Motley Crue and Poison show? I've got to tell you...I love me some C.C. DeVille! He is so fun! My friend Deb Brandt was one of the show photographers that night and caught this great shot of C.C. in action!
Is he the Coolest Cool or what??
Just the other day, I was asked if I like zucchini, because someone wanted to give me some. No! No way! Because I know they would bring at least a bushel, and then return with more. Zucchini is notoriously easy to grow and provides a bountiful harvest. Therefore, those who grow it have a lot to share. That's why today is Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbors' Porch Day. Got a bunch of zucchini to get rid of? Check out this list of Ways To Get Rid of Extra Zucchini.
Have you ever congratulated someone on her pregnancy, only to discover she's not expecting? How about accidentally sending a scathing email to the wrong person? Even if you pride yourself on your social graces, every once in a while you're likely to find yourself in a cringe-worthy situation with no graceful way out. Here is a great resource for you on How to Navigate Any Awkward Situation .
Is this a look of complete contentment or what? Brewers superstar Ryan Braun was one of the guest judges for last week's Milwaukee Bucks Energee! Dancers auditions.
Now I know you guys are jealous of Ryan...me? I'm jealous of the dancers! Because they're young, skinny and can dance? No! Because they got to meet Ryan Braun!!