You know it's going to be a bad day when your horoscope starts with... 'Are you sitting down?'

Hi! Wow, another beautiful day in the neighborhood! Hey, how about those Brewers! A triple play!!! So exciting! We've got to get to at least one more game before the season is over. There's nothing like watching a game at beautiful Miller Park. And I love stalking Bob Uecker whenever we're there.


As you may know, my husband Scott and I love to travel. One of the things that scares me about staying in hotels is bedbugs. Oh, the horror stories we've heard! If you're sleeping somewhere other than home, beware. Bedbug prevalence is on the rise, and hotels and motels are some of their favorite hangouts. These pesky critters can cause severe itching and welt-like bites, and it's costly to get rid of them if they follow you home. But no need to get freaked out just yet. With these easy tips, you can cut your chances of critter trouble while on the road: 15 Tips For Avoiding Hotel Bedbugs. The number one tip? Store your luggage in the loo.


I love the show 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'. Did you know that most of the show is improvised? Improv happens on the small screen all the time. On the big screen, not so much. Hmmmm, apparently writers get all bent out of shape when you don't follow the script. That's not to say it never happens. Remember 'the most annoying sound in the world' from Dumb and Dumber? Not in the script. How about 'Warriors...come out to playyayyy?' Totally made up. Check out these and other wonderful unscripted moments from famous movies here with The 25 Greatest Improvised Scenes in Cinema History. Warning: foul language. Duh.


Each summer, we take to the great outdoors for cookouts, ball games, camping trips and a slew of other fun activities. Social events abound and movie blockbusters rake in the cash. I think it's even a law that Adam Sandler and Will Smith are required to put out a movie each summer. As great as summer is, it can't all be bikinis and Long Island Iced Teas. There are a few negative things about the season that no matter how hard we to try to avoid, will return each year. Let me make you feel a little bit better about the pending end of summer with 7 Of The Worst Things About Summer. I'd like to add an 8th if you don't mind. Old guys in Speedos. Just sayin'...


Ever heard of Barbara Millicent Roberts? How about Patricia Reichart? They are none other than Barbie Doll and Peppermint Patty! You know the characters, but you may not have known their full names. Check out this list of 25 Fictional Characters Whose Names You Don't Know. Store these away for future trivia nights! Jonas Grumby ring a bell? He's none other than the Skipper from Gilligan's Island!


Have a great day and I'll see you on the radio!


