'So turn to one another; love one another; respect one another; respect Mother Earth; respect the waters - because that's life itself'-Phil Lane Sr.

Hi there! Happy Earth Day! Not only is today Earth Day, it's also my youngest son Daniel's Birthday!! He's a teenager today! Here he is with his new braces. He says it's hard to smile with them on...but he'll keep trying. Happy Birthday Daniel!!

Here's a great
video to start with! There's nothing worse than a cat betrayed!

Warning: if you're at work and have the sound turned up, you WILL freak out your co-workers. (So, go for it!!)

I plan on mowing the lawn for the first time tonight. I'm sure my neighbors are thrilled that we're finally getting around to it. They're the types to put fancy stripes and designs in their grass. I've never even thought of trying it...until now. Introducing:
The Lawn Styper. It attaches to most walk-behind, self-propelled and push-type lawn mowers and lets you easily and safely create patterns on your lawn just like the professionals do! To use, just hook the device to your mower, choose your pattern from straight, wave, circle, checkerboard, and more, plan your route and mow away. In the end, you'll have a stunning lawn that will not only make all your neighbor's green with envy!



Just in time for the Between The Bluffs Beer, Wine and Cheese Festival this weekend comes the Wine Glass Holder Necklace. This little clip with adjustable strap holds a regular-size stemmed glass to your chest, giving you the freedom to snack and socialize as you sip.

I'm not much of a wine drinker but it looks like it would work with a beer bottle too!!
Not only is today Earth Day and Daniel's Birthday, it's also Bring Your Child TO Work Day. Did you bring your kid or kids to work today? It's a time-honored tradition to take your kids to work (and show them how sucky, er ...exciting adult life really is), but some school districts say that's playing hooky! They're issuing warnings to parents in advance of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day saying 'Students will be marked absent and held responsible for missed work.' What do you think? Should the kids be allowed to job shadow for a day? I've actually never taken my kids to work. After they see how much we screw off all day, they'd never let me complain about a bad day ever again!!
Have a fabulous evening and I'll see you on the radio!