Officials are urging people to stay out of Arcadia--La Crosse Tribune

Can you believe this rain?? To my Arcadia friends, please take care of yourselves and if you need anything on this end be sure and let me know. Arcadia residents or their family members who have emergency requests or concerns should call (608) 863-3158. Be sure to check our news page for further updates.
This weekend is Saturday Night Live's season premiere, so what better way to celebrate than to look back at the iconic TV series' worst hosts ever to be invited on the show? For example: Steven Seagal (April 20, 1991) Seagal bears the special distinction of being the SNL host with the least detectable sense of humor. Check out the entire list of the 10 Worst SNL Hosts and see if you agree. By the way, this week's host is Amy Poehler so it shouldn't be too bad.
Love is eternal... until it ends. And when it ends, it gets nasty. Meet some horror breakup stories: 8 Worst Breakup Stories . (some language NSFW as you can imagine!) Oh and number 7 is hilarious!!!
It should be no surprise by now that athletes are just like the rest of us - they do stupid stuff, say stupid stuff and sometimes even shoot themselves in the leg. But for some reason, seeing photos of these professional (and college) athletes getting wasted off their butts never gets old. So to satisfy that side of you that likes to see people who are good at something make drunken fools of themselves, here is The Complete Drunk Athlete Photo Album. It'll have you counting your lucky stars that you suck at athletics in no time. Oh that naughty John Daly!!
Happy birthday Bruce Springsteen! In honor of the boss' 61st birthday, here the Top 25 Bruce Springsteen Songs-with videos! The list, of course, is just a matter of opinion but I think you'll be pleased with the results!
Have a great day and try to stay dry!