Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it. Russel Baker

Hey there! Hot enough for ya? Sorry, I couldn't resist! Seriously though, this isn't anything to joke about. This heat wave is the worst we've seen in decades so it's important to take heed. Here are some Summer Heat Wave Survival Tips to pay attention to. What does it say about me that my eyes went directly to the one that said 'cut down on exercise' and completely skipped over the one that says 'don't drink liquids that contain alcohol' ;)


After lifelong Yankee Derek Jeter managed to earn himself a spot in the 3,000-hit club just over a week ago, a lot of people were commenting about how old he is. Yep, he's a ripe old 37. There are many stars in all of the leagues who are getting it done even at the tender ages of 37, 41 and even 43. The old farts just don't want to quit. Here's a great list from the Bleacher Report of the Best Athletes in Major Sports Who Are Over 35. And since these guys aren't getting any younger, better read it quick.


Here's a little challenge for all of you movie buffs out there. Here are screen shots of the final scenes from 45 movies. Can you guess the movie? Some are easy, but others are really tough. Good luck! Guess The Movie From The Final Scene.


Are you a Harry Potter fan? If you're looking for a way to celebrate (or forget) that a significant piece of your childhood has ended, then these are the drinks to do it with: 20 Harry Potter Inspired Cocktails. Yum! The Slytherin Shot (Kahlua, Creme de Menthe and Vodka) looks yummy!!


Alright my friends, that's all I got! Please, please, please take it easy out there and be sure and keep a watchful eyes on your pets and your neighbors.
