"Don't need nothin' but a good time, how can I resist??'-Poison

My, my my. Welcome to La Crosse Mr. Michaels. Enjoy your stay! So, what are you going to wear tonight? Obviously you want to look good and feel great for the concert right? So here are some important things to consider to make this memorable event as fabulous as possible: How to Look Fabulous at a Concert. My advice for tonight? Bring more money than you think you'll need. No one should have to choose between a Bret Michael's hoodie and another beer.
Do you diligently get your oil changed in your car every 3 months or 3,000 miles? You know, like you were always taught to do? They've been around awhile - a snippet of advice here, an old adage there. They're the guidelines that are supposed to help cars keep running in top condition. Problem is, most of them aren't based in fact - or they're just plain outdated. Kevin Markham is a technical specialist at Ford Motor Company and world class professional driver and he has been kind enough to help debunk a few of the most popular car maintenance myths: Busting 5 Longstanding Car Maintenance Myths
Ever had a moment so nerdy that you needed to tell the Internet about it? Me either. But it sure is funny when other people do. Check out some of these hilarious nerd confessions at Dorkly.com, and if you really feel the need to confess you can send them your submissions too. Here's a sample from Jacob: During elementary school, on Dr.Seuss' birthday, our school told everyone to bring their favorite book to class to celebrate. I brought the Final Fantasy IX strategy guide. Yep, that's pretty dorky.
Rock and roll been around long enough to give rock stars plenty of time to embarrass themselves. Come on, what would you do with a steady stream of drugs, money, women, and an out-of-control ego? You'd probably get a few regrettable tattoos, fight with your best friends, and make some terrible choices with your music along the way, too. From punchline-worthy targets of the late '90s rap-rock era to some of the most revered legends, everyone screws up. Wanna find out who? Crank that proverbial amp up to 11 and get ready for the The 50 Worst Rock Fails of All Time... Seriously...what were the 3 surviving Doors thinking when they tried to continue on without Jim Morrison?? FAIL!

See you tonight??