'Chaos is a friend of mine'. -Bob Dylan

Happy birthday Bob Dylan! I can't say that I'm the biggest fan in the world, but I do appreciate his contribution to music. He's done pretty well for a guy that a music critic once said "has the voice of an asthmatic spaniel". When our son Dylan was born a LOT of people asked if we named him after Bob Dylan. Our stock answer, 'If we were going to name him after Bob Dylan we would have named him Bob'.


Can't get enough of the movie Thor? Check out this great behind the scenes look with Chris Hemsworth, Sir Anthony Hopkins and Kenneth Branagh: Behind the Scenes of Thor.


Getting ready to buy a new house? Did you hear the one about the kiddie pool that masked a roof leak? Or the secret of the sagging floor? You'll never buy without a home inspection after reading these stories. Check out these Tales of Horror From Home Inspectors. Only a home inspector sees a house for what it really is: an opportunity for countless things to go wrong.


I guess all dogs DON'T go to heaven...


It's hard to imagine that the concept of the Playboy bunny is now over 50 years old. But yes, even in the groovy 60s Mr. Hugh Hefner had women in skimpy outfits and fuzzy tails serving drinks and looking quite delicious. To this day the bunny remains one of a male's most favorite servers. You know, when you really think about it it's kind of perverted that you dudes love the concept of a woman looking somewhat like a rabbit. Then again, when it comes men as long as there's a nice rack and a cute face all bets are usually off. Check out these Playboy Bunnies Through The Years . You're welcome.

For some, fishing is simply a way to spend a lazy afternoon on the lake. Others take it more seriously, up to and including treating it as an adrenaline sport by going after big game on the high seas. Captain Keith Colburn of the Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch falls squarely into the second category, but even if you prefer a more relaxed approach, there are a few guidelines that apply across the board: Stuff You Should Know To Fish Like A Pro.

Have a great day!
