"The house began to pitch..."

Oh what a night! My thoughts and prayers going out to everyone who was hit by the storm yesterday. The picture on the left is one my son Daniel took at Brenengen's in Sparta. Yep, while the girls--George and I--were in the basement, the boys--Scott, Dylan and Daniel--were out storm chasin'! Let me ask you this...during the whole tornado thing, when the sirens were going off, did you think just for a minute that the Rapture had come 24 hours late? Yep, me too.


The only one at our house who wasn't affected by last night's storm? McCartney the Cat. It takes a lot to excite him. Maybe this will do it. Friskie's cat food has come up with 3 Games For Cats. According to the website: the colors, movement, and game-play have been researched and tested for maximum feline fun. Give it a try here. Let me know how it works for your kitty.


It's countdown to graduation day for high schoolers around the country. Alright Class of 2011...what's your prank? Come on...you either have one planned or you don't want to be remembered forever! Need some inspiration? Here are 16 Classic Senior Pranks. I graduated in 1982. Did we pull a prank? Yes we did. Am I going to tell you what we did? Not until my son Daniel graduates in 4 years!




Speaking of Danny, he's really looking forward to going to High School next year. He's hoping the cafeteria food will be better there. (I'm not saying a word, I don't want to rain on his parade). Not that it was all bad. Take a trip down memory lane with these Fond Memories of 5 Classic Cafeteria Foods. Remember how excited you got when it was pizza day??




Did you ever write a love letter when you were younger? I remember writing a letter to boy I liked when I was in 6th grade. When I was done I wanted to spritz some perfume on it but all I had handy was a bottle of Tickle roll-on deodorant. I smeared it on the letter which caused all the words to bleed together. I mailed it anyway. Never heard another word from the boy I sent it to. Now here's a love letter! It's from a 3rd grade boy named Aaron who has it bad for a girl named Heather.





Have a great day my friends!



