Ronald McDonald has to retire because he is making kids fat? Really? So kids are driving themselves to McDonald's now?

Finally Friday my little freaky friends! Plans? Scott and I will be making a cameo appearance at the Leon Country Tavern tonight along with the Bud Bike VI. I hope to see you there! Let's tip back a few Buds shall we?






Why was it that Batman got all the love? Robin's name isn't even mentioned in the theme song? And don't get me started on the disparity in costume coolness between the two. Too often, the Robins of the world are overlooked. Well, no more, my friends. Today, we honor the Robins in sport, aka The 25 Best Sidekicks in Sports History. Number 1 on the list? Chicago's own --Scottie Pippen! He's the Robin to Michael Jordan's Batman! To the Bat Cave! Er, to the pictures, I mean...


Some people believe that a 90 year old man has cracked a convoluted, seemingly ridiculous Bible code that serves as clear evidence that The Rapture is going to occur on tomorrow. On a Saturday? You couldn't end the world on a Monday could you, God? Many have taken to the streets to warn their fellow humans that the world is about to end and, well, there's really nothing you can do about it. So, to celebrate the impending Apocalypse, here's a gallery of The May 21st Judgement Day Signs.


There are a lot of worthwhile YouTube shows out there, but one that's quickly catching on, and for good reason, is My Drunk Kitchen. It's exactly what it sounds like. A woman shows off her cooking skills, but happens to be hammered when she does so, resulting in some funny stuff. It's kind of like 'Arthur' meets Rachael Ray. Check one of the episodes here. Ok, this is a little disturbing...see what you think.



That's all I got! See you tonight in Leon!



