It's been Monday all week.

Seriously. Usually by Thursday I'm all pumped up about the weekend. But this week is just dragging! I think it's the lack of sunshine. Could be the lack of new shoes too. Never know.





Well it didn't take long for pictures of Arnold's mistress/baby mama to surface. And without trying to sound mean...I must say I'm a little disappointed in his taste. Maria's no supermodel, but she's sure a helluva lot better looking than this gal. What is it with men who cheat on their beautiful wives with less attractive, less appealing women? Need more examples? Check out this list of The Top 10 Wives Who Are Substantially Hotter Than Their Husbands' Mistresses.


The power of the spoken word can do things never thought imaginable. Especially in sports. One sentence can ruin a career, or start one. One sentence can make a man permanently infamous, or make him the most beloved icon of a generation. Let's relive The Top 50 One-Liners In Sports, both fictional and non-fictional.


Charlie Sheen has recently set the bar high when it comes to public meltdown theatre, but as is typical in Hollywood, it won't be long until someone gives him a run for his money. Who do you think will be next? Well, Katie Holmes is leading the 100.1 office pool. Nic Cage isn't far behind. Here some other celebrities we suspect only have a few more minutes on the breakdown watch before their time runs out. Agree? Disagree? Discuss.


Here's a great gift idea for Father's Day! Check out the Enigma, the classic Battleship game turned into a simple to play (and fun) bar game. It's played just like the usual Battleship game with one addition. If you miss the target you drink a sip of water, and if you hit an enemy boat your opponent empties the corresponding shot glass. Brilliant! Why wasn't this an option on Mother's Day??




Tomorrow's Friday!! Woo-hoo!!

Have a great day,



