Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm stoked because today is my Friday! I'm taking tomorrow off and plan to party like a rock star tonight at the Hinder concert! There was a time...a long, long time ago...when I could go to a concert on a week night and not have to take the next day off. Like I said, that was a long, long time ago!
Ever been in a conversation and forget the word you're looking for, or can't recall the name of the person you're talking to? Check out these simple tips and techniques improve your memory. How to Get That Word Off the Tip of Your Tongue. Oops. I forgot to put up the link. Here it is. Hee.
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I used to love watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons with my son Dylan when he was little. Remember how Michelangelo would always order the grossest pizzas? Like tuna fish, peanut butter and grape jelly? Or chocolate sprinkles with clam sauce? Well a group of dedicated fans took up the onerous task of preparing and then eating 29 of Michelangelo's Recipes and put it all on video. Let us salute their courage. Content warning: increasingly foul language through the video (which is perhaps understandable, given what they're consuming...)
Remember back in Junior High when there would be a school dance and all the boys would be on one side of the gym and all the girls would be on the other side? I'm so thankful that when I was in 7th grade digital cameras and Facebook weren't around...so there's no photographic horror to worry about. Nowadays kids aren't so lucky. It's called Middle School now and there's no hiding from the embarrassment. Check out this gallery of The Most Awkward Photos From the Middle School Dance. And it's not all kids either. Check out the chaperones! Oh the chaperones!===
Ever wonder where we got the word 'boob' from? Wonder no more!
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Have a great day and a great weekend!!!
See you Monday