'When I think of you I think of music.'-Mrs. Olson

I ran into one of my Junior High teachers over the weekend. She didn't recognize me at first but when she finally did she told me, 'when I think of you I think of music.' I was very involved in band and jazz band and swing choir during school and now as a Classic Rock announcer I have to say...that was one of the coolest things anyone has ever said to me! Thanks Mrs. O.! You made my day!


Super Duper Alice Cooper is in today to do some final training before his big debut tonight.

He looks a little nervous doesn't he?

Let's be honest: We have all taken our fair share of bad pictures back in the day. I'm not sure what it is about high school or childhood pictures, but for some reason everybody always looks horrendously funny in them. My friends at the Bleacher Report have been given the privilege of rounding up the funniest pictures some of our favorite athletes took back in the day, and I guarantee you some of these are incredibly funny. Anybody up for a little game of before and after? Here are the Funniest Childhood Photos in Sports. Just look at little LeBron James! Here he is as a junior in high school!

Now that we know Ashton Kutcher is taking over for Charlie Sheen in 2 and a Half Men, the folks over at Holy Taco have come up with 25 Storylines to Introduce Ashton Kutcher to 2 and a Half Men. My faves: Lonesome after Charlie goes on vacation, Alan and Jake invite a homeless idiot to stay with them. Or: Charlie is sent back in time to the 70s. Kelso is sent forward. HA!

Sticking your face into someone else's picture isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Photobombing is apparently as old as photography itself -or at least the Civil War. Check out this Civil War Photobomb:

Do you see him?



Have a super day and get ready for a super night with Super Duper Alice Cooper!!



