'Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day'-OG Mandino

Hi there! Thanks for checking in today! I'm so excited about the Torchlight Parade tonight! Look for the La Crosse Radio Flyers in a special encore performance!
Happy Birthday to the Flintstones! Everyone's favorite modern Stone Age family and friends are celebrating their golden anniversary. "The Flintstones," America's first prime-time animated sitcom, first aired on ABC-TV on Sept. 30, 1960. Remember all the celebrities who appeared on the show? "Cary Granite" (Cary Grant), "Stony Curtis" (Tony Curtis-RIP), "Ed Sulleyrock" (Ed Sullivan), "Rock Quarry/Hudstone" (Rock Hudson) and "Ann Margrock" (Ann-Margret) all had cameos. Click here for a vintage Flintstones Cigarette commercial and more Flintstones trivia. Yabba Dabba Doo!!
The premature passing of 44 year old comedian Greg Giraldo caught everyone by surprise yesterday. Here COED Magazine honors him and 9 other comedians who left us before their time on Earth was up...and yet Dane Cook persists...WTF?
Here's a fun way to kill some time at work this afternoon. Head back to the Reagan era, when Milli Vanilli & the Eurythmics ruled the radio and take this 80's Music Quiz. I did great in round one. Round two wasn't so good. Don't even ask about round 3.
Have a great day and I'll see at the Torchlight Parade tonight!

'We're going to throw a party of biblical proportions.' -Bret Michaels

Happy Wednesday friends!! Did you see Bret last night?? What an awesome show! And how about our boys The Freezers?? Proud, proud, proud!! The fun continues tonight with Pat McCurdy and The Johnny Holms Band at the Southside Festgrounds and it's Craft Beer Night tonight on the Northside.
Here's a list that should get your blood stirring and get some debates going as well.The Bleacher Report is out with their list of the 50 Most Exciting Players in NFL History. The criteria for being exciting is one of two things that lead to the same thing. You either have incredible athletic ability or you are clutch in tight, game-winning situations. The truly breath-taking guys have both. And either one leads to heart palpitations.
Here's an awesome pictorial to bring a smile to your face today. Check out these 15 Hilarious Redneck Inventions. You know you're a redneck when you turn your El Camino into a swimming pool!
I'm so sorry that I forgot to mention this, but yesterday was National Drink Beer Day. How convenient that this day happens to be during Oktoberfest...which is basically National Drink Beer DAYS. Of course I know that you probably have your favorite brand of beer that you always order...but why not think outside the bottle for a minute and check out this


Hey, did we ever find out who won the million dollars in Holmen? If you won the lottery, how would you spend your money? This is a common conversation starter among friends, family and first dates. What if winning the lottery meant years of disaster and heartbreak plaguing you and your family? Would you think a little harder about the question? The 'Curse of the Lottery' is a psychological study to some, a predictable outcome to others, and an unknown phenomenon to many. Here are five examples of winners that probably wish they hadn't won in the first place. The Curse of The Lottery: 5 Winners and Their Demise

Have a good one!

"Don't need nothin' but a good time, how can I resist??'-Poison

My, my my. Welcome to La Crosse Mr. Michaels. Enjoy your stay! So, what are you going to wear tonight? Obviously you want to look good and feel great for the concert right? So here are some important things to consider to make this memorable event as fabulous as possible: How to Look Fabulous at a Concert. My advice for tonight? Bring more money than you think you'll need. No one should have to choose between a Bret Michael's hoodie and another beer.
Do you diligently get your oil changed in your car every 3 months or 3,000 miles? You know, like you were always taught to do? They've been around awhile - a snippet of advice here, an old adage there. They're the guidelines that are supposed to help cars keep running in top condition. Problem is, most of them aren't based in fact - or they're just plain outdated. Kevin Markham is a technical specialist at Ford Motor Company and world class professional driver and he has been kind enough to help debunk a few of the most popular car maintenance myths: Busting 5 Longstanding Car Maintenance Myths
Ever had a moment so nerdy that you needed to tell the Internet about it? Me either. But it sure is funny when other people do. Check out some of these hilarious nerd confessions at Dorkly.com, and if you really feel the need to confess you can send them your submissions too. Here's a sample from Jacob: During elementary school, on Dr.Seuss' birthday, our school told everyone to bring their favorite book to class to celebrate. I brought the Final Fantasy IX strategy guide. Yep, that's pretty dorky.
Rock and roll been around long enough to give rock stars plenty of time to embarrass themselves. Come on, what would you do with a steady stream of drugs, money, women, and an out-of-control ego? You'd probably get a few regrettable tattoos, fight with your best friends, and make some terrible choices with your music along the way, too. From punchline-worthy targets of the late '90s rap-rock era to some of the most revered legends, everyone screws up. Wanna find out who? Crank that proverbial amp up to 11 and get ready for the The 50 Worst Rock Fails of All Time... Seriously...what were the 3 surviving Doors thinking when they tried to continue on without Jim Morrison?? FAIL!

See you tonight??

'I'm just a singer (in a rock and roll band)'-Moody Blues

Hi there!! Thanks for checking out my blog today. It was so GREAT to see all of you at the Maple Leaf Parade on Saturday. The La Crosse Radio Flyers were in top form if I do say so myself!! What a day! I've got tons of pictures posted on my Facebook page so be sure to check them out and tag yourself!
Speaking of Facebook, have you ever played FB's Family Feud game? It's pretty addictive. Check out this hilarious list of the Best and Worst Family Feud Answers. Here's a sample: Question: Besides San Francisco, name a city that begins with the word San. #1 Answer: San Diego Worst Answer: Seattle.
Are you a Simpson's fan? Did you know that most of the characters in the Simpson's are based on real people? From Barney Gumble to Bleeding Gums Murphy to Bart the Brat himself...check out these Real Life Inspirations For 14 Simpsons Characters.
One of my favorite movies of all time is 20 years old! Seriously, how awesome is Goodfella's?? If you love it as much as I do, then you'll really love taking this quiz: Goodfellas: The 20th Anniversary Quiz. This quiz focuses mainly on the characters and plot events in the film GoodFellas. If you've never seen the film, I recommend that you do so before attempting this quiz, as there are spoilers galore inside. And remember the two most important things in life: One, never rat on your friends; and two, always keep your mouth shut. Good luck!
What is it with celebrities and their huge lips?? Whether you call them "Trout Pouts" or "Duck Faces," some celebrities just need to step away the injectable lip fillers! Here are some of the worst offenders: Bad Celebrity Lip Jobs. Meg Ryan used to be sooooo cute!!
That's all I got...be sure to tag yourself on my Facebook page!!

Ein Prosit, Ein Prosit, der Gemutlichkeit!!!

Happy Oktoberfest rock-n-rollers!!! It's finally here!! E-I-E-I-E-I-O and pass the beer!!!
Yes, it's that time of year again! Leaves are changing colors, the chill is in the air, and beer--tons and tons of frothy goodness--is about to consumed, sipped, drunk, chugged and downed in celebration of Oktoberfest. Of course, when the order of the day is drinking beer while surrounded by hundreds of people doing the same thing, there are certain rules of etiquette that must be followed! Before you head out to the beer tents tonight, read this first: How to Behave at Oktoberfest.
Now let's fast forward to tomorrow morning. You wake up, and your head feels like someone has been trying to open it manually with some kind of axe. Your mouth feels like it's full of sand, it's so dry. And on top of everything, you are starving. Let Auntie Karen help. Here are the 25 Best Hangover Food and Drinks. In the meantime, cut out this picture and hang it on your door.
You know, sports might seem like a complicated mesh of numerical stats, statistics, and federal drug statutes. But when you boil the whole thing down to its basic roots, most sports are about one thing: catching and holding the damn ball. These are the athletes with the biggest cardinal sins for breaking the first commandment of competition: The 10 Most Pathetic Fumbles in Sports History .
Congrats to the Gale Ettrick Trempealeau school district for choosing a cool new name for their school...The Redhawks! Unfortunately the name didn't make this list: 10 High Schools with Better Team Names Than Your School's . Seriously! The Johnson High Atomsmashers is brilliant!!
That's all I got! See you at Oktoberfest this weekend!
Frau Karen

Officials are urging people to stay out of Arcadia--La Crosse Tribune

Can you believe this rain?? To my Arcadia friends, please take care of yourselves and if you need anything on this end be sure and let me know. Arcadia residents or their family members who have emergency requests or concerns should call (608) 863-3158. Be sure to check our news page for further updates.
This weekend is Saturday Night Live's season premiere, so what better way to celebrate than to look back at the iconic TV series' worst hosts ever to be invited on the show? For example: Steven Seagal (April 20, 1991) Seagal bears the special distinction of being the SNL host with the least detectable sense of humor. Check out the entire list of the 10 Worst SNL Hosts and see if you agree. By the way, this week's host is Amy Poehler so it shouldn't be too bad.
Love is eternal... until it ends. And when it ends, it gets nasty. Meet some horror breakup stories: 8 Worst Breakup Stories . (some language NSFW as you can imagine!) Oh and number 7 is hilarious!!!
It should be no surprise by now that athletes are just like the rest of us - they do stupid stuff, say stupid stuff and sometimes even shoot themselves in the leg. But for some reason, seeing photos of these professional (and college) athletes getting wasted off their butts never gets old. So to satisfy that side of you that likes to see people who are good at something make drunken fools of themselves, here is The Complete Drunk Athlete Photo Album. It'll have you counting your lucky stars that you suck at athletics in no time. Oh that naughty John Daly!!
Happy birthday Bruce Springsteen! In honor of the boss' 61st birthday, here the Top 25 Bruce Springsteen Songs-with videos! The list, of course, is just a matter of opinion but I think you'll be pleased with the results!
Have a great day and try to stay dry!

'Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me'-Bob Dylan

Last night we had our final rehearsal before the big show on Saturday! I must say The La Crosse Radio Flyers are going to AMAZE you with our talent!! And you'd be surprised what an important role the tambourine player has in a band. Very imperative to the overall sound of the group ;) So, what do you think of the picture on the left? I'm thinking about getting business cards made and offering my awesome tambourine services to other bands. It's show biz baby!
If yo
u grew up in the 90's you MUST check out this video. It's called 'Your 90's Childhood in 94 Seconds'. With everything from Doug to OJ to the Power Rangers...it's all here. I got a little teary eyed when I saw the guys from Hey Arnold. I loved that show!
Have you ever asked Jeeves a question on Ask.com? I rely on Jeeves all the time because he seems to have all the answers. Seems to. Apparently even Jeeves can't answer certain questions. Ask Jeeves has compiled what it called a top 10 of 'unanswerables' in the past decade. The list is based on some 1.1 billion queries made on the site since its launch in 2000. Here are the top ten:
1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Is there a God?
3. Do blondes have more fun?
4. What is the best diet?
5. Is there anybody out there?
6. Who is the most famous person in the world?
7. What is love?
8. What is the secret to happiness?
9. Did Tony Soprano die?
10. How long will I live?
Get more on the story
You got a dog? You know how he gets so excited when it's time to eat and how he'll run all around and trip you in his excitement to chow down? Well, imagine trying to feed 100 dogs all at once! That's exactly what the trainers of these hunting dogs in France have to do.
Check out how well disciplined these dogs are!

Gorgeous George could really learn a lesson from these guys.

Did you know that today is Elephant Appreciation Day? Well you do now!! To show my appreciation, here's a look at some of the amazing things elephants do. From playing soccer to playing the harmonica elephants are awesome!!!

Have a great day friends and I'll see you on the radio!

'Rock 'n' roll is a communicable disease.' ~The New York Times, 1956

Hi there! Raise your hand if that thunderstorm this morning made you shoot right up out of bed! Holy crap!! I thought Gorgeous George was going to have a heart attack...poor thing just hates the thunder! Well, if nothing else, I didn't have a hard time waking up today.
We all know that lying is a generally a bad thing. However, lying isn't bad in certain circumstances. Those circumstances usually involve an issue where the person you are lying to is better off for not knowing something. This is mostly true with children. Think about it, if it weren't for lying our kids would be the most miserable creatures on earth! So if you've ever lied to your kids, don't feel bad about it. Especially in these circumstances: 5 Important Times You Have To Lie To Your Kids.
Hey hairy guys...ever wondered what to do with all that chest hair? Well, why not have a little fun! Here's some inspiration for you: 12 Craziest Body Shaving Designs.
Here's one for the ladies. Gals, you know what's hot this fall? Leather! Yep, the biker babe look is back in a big way this fall. So what's a 'Do' and what's a 'Don't' in this fierce new world? Find out here: How To Wear Leather.
Sad news coming out of Denver today. Denver Broncos wide receiver Kenny McKinley was found dead Monday afternoon in a Colorado home. Authorities said it appeared McKinley died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 23. Gone too soon. His isn't the first and unfortunately won't be the last death to rock the world of sports. Check out this slide-show from MSN called 'Shocking and Tragic Sports Deaths'.
That's all I got!
Have a great day,

'Rock & Roll is not an age, it's an attitude.'-Dave Mason

How was your weekend? We had a BLAST at Features Fest on Saturday night. It was a little chilly...but hey, our beer stayed nice and cold! I do want to send out my best wishes for a speedy recovery for John J. the drummer for Flashback and all around nice guy. Get well soon John, we missed you! A big thank you to Jeff from the Fabulous Baloney Skins for filling in at the last minute. You played the skins fabulously and that's no baloney! :) And who can forget Nurse Karen? Oh what a night!!
And now back to reality. Sort of. Here's the latest celebrity scandal; apparently the characters from Winnie the Pooh were all on hard drugs. Here's explanation:

I'd love to see this as an episode of Intervention!!


I saw a funny t-shirt the other day. It said, 'It's not that I hate people, I just feel better when they're not around.' We've all felt the need to escape haven't we? Well, if you seriously want to get away from it all but don't fancy living in a cave then you may want to consider moving to this island in the South of Iceland. It really doesn't get much more isolated than this!

One question...do they have Direct TV in Iceland? If so, I'm in!

I was watching a little 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' this weekend. How depressing. Can these people be any more perfect? Perfect bodies, perfect hair, perfect everything!! Blech! Give me a zit! Give me a bunion! Anything!!! Oh wait...what have we here??? Look at this!! An entire slide show of celebrity deformities!!! You wouldn't believe how many celebs have 6 toes! Or 3 nipples!


It's that time of year again. Time for new fall shows on TV. With over 30 new shows debuting this fall, it's hard to know which ones to watch and which ones to skip. Here's some help. From Boardwalk Empire to My Generation, here are nine new series worth checking out and six you should avoid at all costs: Fall's Best and Worst TV.

Have a great day and I'll see you on the radio!

'All You Need Is Love'-John Lennon

My friends Nate and Maggie are getting married today! I am so happy for them and wish them years and years of happiness...and lots of babies. Lots and lots of babies. (Sorry Maggie, Joanie made me put that in there)
In case you missed Derek Jeter's Oscar-worthy
performance last night (he faked being hit by a pitch) here it is:

What do you think? It's his goal to get on base right? And he got on base right? Just sayin'...


Just in time for the Holiday season comes the Beer Beard! Going to the big game, an art show or a counseling session? Just fill the Beer Beard with up to 72 ounces of your favorite refreshment, strap it on and sip at your leisure through the straw. With the Beer Beard, you’ll always be undercover and over-hydrated!

It's a great idea...but I don't think it will work for me.

The BA Burrito Name That Noise Jackpot continues to grow! They definitely have a flair for the creative burrito at BA Burrito! Ever wonder how many kinds of burritos there are in the world? It's endless! There's Korean burritos, s'more burritos, sushi burritos even cactus burritos! Check out this list of the 15 Most Inventive Burritos Known to Man! Would you be willing to try the Halloween burrito that's made with black beans and pumpkin??


So are you enjoying all the political ads you're hearing and seeing lately? What? You're not?? Well, maybe you'll enjoy these then. Here are the 20 Worst Politician Names of All Time. Hey, don't blame me! I voted for Mike Crapo!
Have a great weekend friends and I'll see you tomorrow night at Features Fest IV!!

'Who are you?' inquired The Who. 'We are spirits in the material world,' replied The Police

Happy Thursday party animals!! One more day til the weekend and Features Fest IV Saturday! I can't WAIT to see Flashback again. I need my Flashback fix! Come early for Rode Hard and Put Up Wet. It's gonna be an awesome party!
This is awesome! Check out this
video of Dallas Cowboy's Linebacker Keith Brooking trying to rally the troops before last Sunday's game.

Too bad it didn't work...

Sex - and smooching and snuggling and everything else on the spectrum - is great for your relationship and happiness, but intimate time with your sweetie is also terrific for your physical health. Not only does that 'loving feeling' get your heart rate up, it can burn some serious calories, too! Check out these Top Sexy Ways To Burn Calories!

What's the first thing you read when you pick up a newspaper? Sports? Stocks? Well, for me it's the obituaries. I'm fascinated to know as much as I can about the dearly departed. When I'm done I always say a little prayer. I have to admit, I've never seen an obituaries like these before! Check out these 10 Strange Obits. I'm going to copy the one for Jim Adams for myself when my time comes!

What's your favorite food to nosh on at a tailgate party? If you said wings you're not alone. According to a FoodNetwork.com poll, wings are the most popular tailgating dish, with a third of the tailgaters serving them up at their parties this fall. Just over 15-percent like munching on chips and dip while they tailgate, while eleven-percent prefer to keep warm with a piping hot bowl of chili. For seven-percent it's just not tailgating unless they have sliders, and three-percent need something sweet while they're cheering on their favorite teams. Click here for some awesome Tailgating Recipes.

Have a great day friends!!